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Spiritual enlightenment through a relationship with software applications

Come learn flash every thursday, if your new come get the basics, if you already know come and will show you something new.
view schedule bellow \/

Also it's Halloween!

Above Film Duration 12 min's | best part include the beginning and the end, but the middle is nice too!

Reach Spiritual enlightenment
Reach a more meanfull state of understanding through a relationship with software applications.

flash tutorials
These demos explain how to move box's around in flash. Yes simple but this is where is all starts.

Need the software?
Get the demo here, off adobe™ website.

This weeks The Octagon of Death
With Captain N

rubrics cube
This game is a puzzle game and it is so much fun. Grow Cube, pick the right sequence and magical things will happen.
Play this weeks Game
makers site-

Kwab's Corner
Dumbland is a series of animated shorts created by critically acclaimed director David Lynch. Lynch is widely respected for Avant-garde classic films such as Eraserhead, and Blue Velvet.  However, within the series Dumbland, Lynch utilizes Flash as a vehicle to deliver witty commentary of suburban life. 

Watch the movie...
Professor Suffers brain aneurysms
The great howard community college paintng professor Peter Collieras has suffered a brain anurisum, those are all the deatails we know.
GetWell Soon Peter!

a video my friend sara about Peter

Posted - October 24, 2006 10:58 AM
